July 2021 Food Inspections

Eagleville Oil – Routine inspection conducted on 7/14/21.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Dairy Queen (Bethany) – Routine inspection conducted on 7/14/21.
Critical- 3 cans of dented pineapple. Discard. Corrected.
Non-critical- Insufficient lighting by single service items in basement. Repair.
Excessive heat & fumes in kitchen. Exhaust hood above fryers is not functioning properly. Repair.
Unshielded bulbs in basement by single service items. All lighting must be shielded in food prep & food storage areas.
Dog Days of Summer (Ridgeway) – Pre-opening inspection conducted on 7/21/21.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection. This establishment is approved to open.
Breneman’s Roadside Grill (Ridgeway) – Pre-opening inspection conducted on 7/28/21.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection. This establishment is approved to open.