December 2023 Food Inspections

North Harrison School – Routine inspection conducted on12/6/23.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Cainsville School – Routine inspection conducted on12/6/23.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Stopies (Cainsville) – Routine inspection conducted on12/6/23.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Dairy Queen (Bethany) – Routine inspection conducted on 12/13/23.
Critical – Cutting board on topping cooler is not smooth and easily cleanable. Replace or repair.
Cutting board on prep cooler in kitchen is not smooth and easily cleanable. Replace or repair.
Non-critical – Improper storage of mops after use. Mops must be stored so they can dry in between uses.
Wiping cloths left out on counter. Wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer when not in use.
Damaged ceiling tiles above fountain machine. Repair.
No paper towels at hand sink by ice machine. All hand washing stations must be adequately supplied.
Missing ceiling tile above vent hood. Repair.
Prep cooler in kitchen is dirty on inside and outside. Clean.
Ceiling is peeling above stairs going to basement. Repair.
Uncovered bulbs in basement above canned goods. All lighting must be shielded to prevent contamination.
Gilman City School – Routine inspection conducted on 12/13/23.
No critical or non-critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Sonic Drive-In (Bethany) – Routine inspection conducted on 12/14/23.
Critical – Cutting board by prep cooler is cracked and chipped. Replace or repair.
Ready to eat potentially hazardous foods not dated in cooler. Date when made and discard after 7 days. Corrected.
Floor is cracked and chipping in front of ice maker. Repair.
Wall is dirty by burger freezer. Clean.
Excessive grease build up on hose behind burger freezer. Clean.
Blak Barrel Coffee Co. (Eagleville) – Routine inspection conducted on 12/20/23.
Critical – No critical violations noted at time of inspection.
Non-critical – No self-closing door on restroom. All restroom doors must be self-closing.
Dairy Queen (Bethany) – Follow up inspection conducted on 12/27/23.
All critical and non-critical violations have been corrected.